Post Tagged with: "deterrence"

What about deterrence in an era of cyberwar?

What about deterrence in an era of cyberwar?

By Peter W. Singer and Allan Friedman

This is an excerpt from Singer and Friedman’s new book, “Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know,” released Monday by Oxford University Press. Another …

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1962: Crowing over Cuba

Soviet truck convoy deploying missiles near San Cristobal, Cuba, on Oct. 14, 1962. This image, taken by Maj. Steve Heyser in a USAF U-2, is the first picture that proved Russian missiles were being emplaced in Cuba. (U.S. Air Force photo)

From the archive: November 3, 1962

Editor’s note: Here’s how AFJ reacted to the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis, 13 October days when the world lived on a knife’s edge.


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Sequestration’s costs | AUSA coverage | NATO deterrence

Now that the insanity of the shutdown is past (for now), we can get back to railing against the inflexibity of the sequester. Here’s Lt. Col. Robert Bateman’s take. (Esquire).

Today’s the …

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